Counterpower refers to the action of social actors in categorical and profound opposition to the dominant power relations in a given space and time, having significant influence to…

Publicity (from the French publicité, "advertisement") is the presence, projection or notoriety of a product, a brand, a person or institution or in general any type of entity among the public. It is also any type of information that is disseminated in order to achieve that public notoriety. In this way, advertising activities, public relations, information by the media and even all kinds of public debate around a specific topic can be included within publicity.
Erabili ezazu galdetegi hau artikulu eskaera bat bidaltzeko. Lehenbailehen osatzen saiatuko gara.
Gure azken edukien berri jaso nahi baduzu zure email helbidean, egin zaitez harpidedun hurrengo galdetegi hontan.