The Digital Age is the historical period that began at the end of the 20th century characterized by the massive use of digital information and communication technologies in…
A global threat is a plausible risk that affects the world as a whole, all countries and all societies. Global threats include those related to natural disasters, some of them more or less directly motivated by human action, such as climate change and pandemics, and others of natural and fortuitous origin, such as catastrophic events that may affect the entire planet or a specific area, but with repercussions at a second level of any nature on a planetary scale, such as earthquakes, volcanic or extreme meteorological events (for example, the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan in 2011 caused a crisis in facilities nuclear weapons that could affect the entire planet). Other types of global threats are directly caused by human action, such as nuclear accidents and wars, global pollution (for example, plastic pollution) and other types of systemic risks related to the prevailing socioeconomic system in the world and its unsustainability in the medium and long term (excessive consumption of resources, extreme inequalities,...).
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