Notazioa arlo zientifiko edo tekniko batean kantitateak, aldagaiak eta egitateak adierazteko ikur eta laburtzapenen multzo bat da.
A potential consumer or potential customer is an individual who could acquire (as a customer) or use (as a consumer) in the future a product or service that is being considered for commercialization or is in its early stages of commercialization, given that the characteristics of the product or service in question are tailored to their wishes and needs.
Erabili ezazu galdetegi hau artikulu eskaera bat bidaltzeko. Lehenbailehen osatzen saiatuko gara.
Gure azken edukien berri jaso nahi baduzu zure email helbidean, egin zaitez harpidedun hurrengo galdetegi hontan.