Hyperglobalism (hyperglobalist approach)


Hyperglobalism or hyperglobalist approach is a perspective of analysis of economic, political and social phenomena
from the confirmation and assumption that the phenomenon of globalization and its acceleration
will essentially transform the world, tearing down the borders of states and establishing
a new world order based on neoliberalism as the dominant economic paradigm.
This new world order is perceived by hyperglobalists in a positive way,
so that they anticipate the disappearance or loss of relevance of states as
relevant decision-making forces, the extension of human rights worldwide,
extreme technologization and the reduction of inequalities.
In this way, the hyperglobalist approach opposes both a skeptical approach,
which limits the changes caused by globalization, considering them a mere extension
of previous historical trends, and a transformationalist approach, which,
recognizing the transformative relevance of globalization, thinks that
this will lead to increased inequalities and the development of economic elites that come
to take political power and control the world.

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