A semimonopsony is a market structure in which there is a very limited number of demanders or buyers of a product or service. They usually occur in source…
Groeneven-Meeden's coefficient of skewness is a family of measures of skewness proposed by professors Richard A. Groeneveld and Glen Meeden in 1984. It's a generalization of the Bowley's coefficient of skewness. Its general formula is the following:
where $P_p$ and $P_{(1-p)}$ are the percentiles of rank , with $0<p<1/2$.
The interpretation of the coefficient is as follows:
The Bowley's coefficient of skewness is a special case of the Groeneven-Meeden's coefficient, when the percentiles involved are $P_{25}$ and $P_{75}$, that is to say, the first and third quartiles respectively.
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