Ikasliburu honetan estatistikan gehien erabiltzen diren taulak azaltzen dira: banaketa normalaren taula, Student-en t eta khi-karratu taula, beste batzuekin batera. Taula guztiak batera hemen eskura ditzakezu, PDF formatoan. Fisher-Snedecor…
In this book you will find a gallery of statistical charts with their corresponding code created with R by Josemari Sarasola Ledesma. The graphics are created with minimal code in order to understand the code and to know to set the axis, fonts, colors and other features. Most of the graphics have been used to teach students about R. You can get the book from here in PDF format.
Erabili ezazu galdetegi hau artikulu eskaera bat bidaltzeko. Lehenbailehen osatzen saiatuko gara.
Gure azken edukien berri jaso nahi baduzu zure email helbidean, egin zaitez harpidedun hurrengo galdetegi hontan.